Tree planting moratorium (in City rights of way)

January 10, 2025

Sheldon does value trees, they are part of our history and future. However, for the next 5 years, unless the moratorium is revisited sooner, no planting in the right of way is allowed. This step is necessary while we remove diseased trees and deal with the many utility and sight distance issues that can result from hastily planted new trees. At least 672 ash trees in Sheldon need to be removed, along with many cottonwoods and maples.

The moratorium was approved on October 4, 2023.

The City has been removing dead, dying and diseased trees, and new trees are not to be planted in the right of way (which is mainly the area between the sidewalk and street).

Tree planting else where is encouraged, and we also ask that you file a “utility locate” with to protect your utilities, etc.

151.02 PLANTING RESTRICTIONS. No tree shall be planted in any parking or street except in accordance with the following:

  1. Planting Moratorium. No tree of any kind may be planted in the parking for a period of five years, beginning with the date of the adoption of this ordinance amendment.
  2. Alignment. After the expiration of the aforementioned moratorium, all trees planted in any street shall be planted in the parking midway between the outer line of the sidewalk and the curb. In the event a curb line is not established, trees shall be planted on a line seven and a half feet from the property line.
  3. Spacing. After the expiration of the aforementioned moratorium, trees shall not be planted in any parking that is less than nine feet in width or contains less than 81 square feet of exposed soil surface per tree. Trees shall not be planted closer than 20 feet from street intersections (property lines extended) and 10 feet from driveways. If it is at all possible, trees should be planted inside the property lines and not between the sidewalk and the curb.
  4. Prohibited Trees. After the expiration of the aforementioned moratorium, no person shall plant in any parking any fruit-bearing tree, or any tree of the kinds commonly known as cottonwood, poplar, box elder, Chinese elm, evergreen, willow, or black walnut.
  5. The City reserves the right to remove any planting of any type in the parking.

Hollow tree

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